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Robotiq wrist camera for UR cobot, pick and place feasibility study

Robot Wrist Camera Pick and Place Feasibility Friday

For this week’s #FeasibilityFriday we’re looking at a pick and place application using Robotiq’s wrist camera.

For this application, a Universal Robots UR5e cobot is fitted with a Robotiq wrist camera and Hand-E gripper. At the start of the video, you can see the wrist camera scanning the metal components. It only needs to scan the objects once; the robot is then able to remember the position of the components and pick them one by one.

The wrist camera can be combined with a range of Robotiq 2 finger electric grippers, Hand-E grippers and vacuum grippers.

Do you want to find out if your idea could become a tried and tested automation solution? Get in touch today to find out more about our feasibility study service.

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